The Last of Us: Part II

This piece is a re-imagining of Florent Lebrun's sanctuary image--so I was able to utilize some of the work he already did. The building was converted into a synagogue later in development, hence the request for a new concept.

This piece is a re-imagining of Florent Lebrun's sanctuary image--so I was able to utilize some of the work he already did. The building was converted into a synagogue later in development, hence the request for a new concept.

My role in the visual development of The Last of Us: Part II was small; nevertheless, I'm incredibly proud to have been involved. Honestly, it's intimidating to have my work stacked alongside the internal Naughty Dog team and the other One Pixel Brush artists. I think those guys arguably have the best taste in the industry and a finesse to their craft that I still struggle to match. I'm glad to have had the opportunity to follow their lead. And shoutout to Shaddy for always pushing for unique ideas and high execution quality within the One Pixel Brush team. The work wouldn't be what it is without his direction.

(I included a collection of jumpable barrier variations in this post to exemplify something more utilitarian. Sometimes it's enjoyable to provide practical ideas without the need for polishing a complete piece.)